
AGN Geochemistry and Earth Science Vocabularies

Publisher AuScope
Created: 14 Aug 2024 𝕏


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released: 14 Aug 2024 view notes

This resource provides vocabulary schemes for the field of geochemistry, which have been built and maintained by the AuScope Geochemistry Network. Current vocabularies have been designed to support geological sample description and geochemical techniques of U/Pb geochronology, Ar/Ar thermochronology, fission track thermochronology, (U-Th)/He thermochronology, and inorganic geochemistry of major, minor and trace elements, but may be applicable to additional fields accross the geosciences or other disciplines. These vocabularies are part of an ongoing project and will be updated as resources for new techniques are developed or if additional terms are identified.

Vocabularies provided are additionally implemented within the AusGeochem platform, an open access community platform for storing, publishing, integrating and sharing geochemical data. AusGeochem is available globally either through the online interface or by API connection.

The AuScope Geochemistry Network is an Australian consortium of Earth science institutions and scientists working to provide FAIR geochemistry data infrastructure, supported by NCRIS and AuScope. This project is focussed on producing and maintaining structured geochemical data reporting practices and resources for a range of techniques and analytical instrumentation for use by the global Earth science community. If you are interested to be involved in this project or learn more please contact via





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Example: Search for and select concepts in this vocabulary

<input type="text" id="agn-geochemistry-vocabulary" name="agn-geochemistry-vocabulary" value="" size="80" autocomplete="off">
        mode: 'search',
        cache: false,
        repository: '',
        target_field: 'label',
        endpoint: ''
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Has contributor auscope_nixon.angus_admin