Stratotype Point Base of Ladinian

label Stratotype Point Base of Ladinian
ratified GSSP true
boundary level Base of a 15 20cm thick limestone bed overlying a distinctive groove (Chiesense groove) of limestone nodules in a shaly matrix, located about 5m above the Base of the Buchenstein Beds
comment Bagolino, Province of Brescia, Northern Italy
correlation event Ammonite FAD Eoprotrachyceras curionii (Base of the E. curionii zone). Conodont FAD Budurovignathus praehungaricus is in the uppermost Anisian.
see also
Ladinian.pdf original
index.html original
image.php?periodid=72&top_parentid=0&imageid=312 original
source Episodes 28/4, p. 233 244, 2005
status Ratified 2005
StratigraphicPoint original
Resource original
Concept original
has geometry Location of Stratotype Point Base of Ladinian original
represents boundary
Base of Ladinian original
stratotype BaseLadinianSP original