Stratotype Point Base of Albian

label Stratotype Point Base of Albian
ratified GSSP true
boundary level 37.4 m above the base of the Marnes Bleues Formation and 40 cm above the base of the Niveau Kilian Marker Bed near Col de Pré-Guittard.
comment Southeastern France
correlation event Planktonic foraminiferan FAD Microhedbergella renilaevis
see also
017021 original
index.html original
image.php?periodid=45&top_parentid=0&imageid=351 original
status Ratified 2016-04-08
StratigraphicPoint original
Resource original
Concept original
has geometry Location of Stratotype Point Base of Albian original
represents boundary
Base of Albian original
stratotype BaseAlbianSP original