W.A. Water Corporation


dcterms created equal to or less than 2015-04-27T10:38:15.000Zequal to or more than 2015-04-27T10:38:15.000Z
dcterms modified equal to or less than 2018-05-07T05:59:56.000Zequal to or more than 2018-05-07T05:59:56.000Z
dc publisher eMarine Information Infrastructure (eMII)
dc source Australian Ocean Data Network Organisation Register
broad match
14 original
definition The Water Corporation is a business enterprise, owned by the WA Government and accountable to its sole shareholder, the Minister for Water. They are the principal supplier of water, wastewater and drainage services in WA.
exact match
print.asp?n_code=4089 original
Resource original
Concept original
contributor eMII_Atkins.Natalia original
creator Natalia-Atkins original
in scheme
http://vocab.aodn.org.au/def/organisation/1 original
has top concept
72 original
top concept of 1 original