Primary Industries and Regions SA (PIRSA)

dcterms created equal to or less than 2015-04-27T10:38:15.000Zequal to or more than 2015-04-27T10:38:15.000Z
dcterms modified equal to or less than 2018-05-07T04:47:57.000Zequal to or more than 2018-05-07T04:47:57.000Z
dc publisher eMarine Information Infrastructure (eMII)
dc source Australian Ocean Data Network Organisation Register
broad match
15 original
definition Primary Industries and Regions SA (PIRSA) is a Government of South Australia agency with the vision of growing sustainable and competitive regions. PIRSA is committed to the sustainable use of the state's agriculture, wine, seafood, forestry, and food industries along with the provision of associated research, regulation, policy development and biosecurity imperatives. PIRSA leads and drives the State Government’s strategic priority of Premium Food and Wine from our Clean Environment.
exact match
print.asp?n_code=4114 original
hidden label
Resource original
Concept original
contributor eMII_Atkins.Natalia original
creator Natalia-Atkins original
in scheme original
has top concept
113 original
top concept of 1 original