Data capture

definition Process or means of obtaining and storing external data, particularly images or sounds, for use at a later time. In biometric security systems, for example, capture is the acquisition of, or the process of acquiring an identifying characteristic such as a finger image, palm image, facial image, iris print, or voice print. In order to capture the data, a transducer is employed that converts the actual image or sound into a digital file. The file is then stored. At a later time, it can be analysed by a computer, or compared with other files in a database to verify identity or to provide authorization to enter a secured system. Screen capture is the acquisition and storage of an image on a monitor or display exactly as it appears at a specific time. This can sometimes (but not always) be done by hitting the “print screen” key, in which case the image appears as a bitmap file in the clipboard. It can also be done by photographing the display screen with a digital camera external to the computer. Electronic signals from scientific instruments, dataloggers, sensors, etc., can also be captured, converted to data, and stored for use at a later time.
editorial note Expert review decision, 2021-22: No review this cycle
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