
dcterms created equal to or less than 2022-06-16T01:42:20.166Zequal to or more than 2022-06-16T01:42:20.166Z
dcterms modified equal to or less than 2022-06-16T02:12:12.569Zequal to or more than 2022-06-16T02:12:12.569Z
notation Aste
broader original
Asteraceae_2 original
definition Distribution: Asteraceae is the family of flowering plants, with an estimated 1600+ genera and 24,000 species (plus many more apomictic microspecies) found worldwide (except Antarctica), and growing in most habitats. In Australia about 300 genera and 1417 species, the native taxa mainly in subfamilies Asteroideae (Tribes Astereae and Gnaphalieae). Asteraceae is the second most speciose family in Australia, exceeded only by the Myrtaceae (c. 89 genera and c. 1858 species) and rivalled only by the pea-flowered legumes (c. 140/1402) and Poaceae (c. 230/1300)

Description: This family are a group of annual or perennial herbs, subshrubs, shrubs or rarely small trees or lianes, usually terrestrial, rarely facultatively aquatic.

For more details regarding the description of species within this family please see:

Pollen Morphology: The shape of the pollen in this family is highly variable and can be separated into two grain types. Type 1 grains are circular to clover shaped and often appear as a spikey ball. These pollen grains also have three pores and furrows (tricolporate), however they may be difficult to see. Type 2 grains have flat panels in a snow-flake like shape and have window-like apertures. The surface of these pollens are also spikey. The size of the pollen in both groups are variable with most taxa being 20-25um in diameter but some are seen to be smaller (15um).
narrower original
Asteraceae_2 original original
Asteraceae_2 original
Resource original
Concept original
contributor NEII_Programme original
creator NEII_Programme original
in scheme TEST-AusPollen-Aerobiology-Collaboration-Network-Species-Classification original