
dcterms created equal to or less than 2022-06-16T01:42:20.140Zequal to or more than 2022-06-16T01:42:20.140Z
dcterms modified equal to or less than 2022-06-16T02:12:12.499Zequal to or more than 2022-06-16T02:12:12.499Z
notation Arec
broader original
Arecaceae_2 original
definition Distribution: The Arecaceae family consists of c.190 genera and c.2365 species that are primarily distributed in moist equatorial, tropical and subtropical regions. However, there are some outlier species found in semi-arid and temperate regions. In Australia, this family consists of 19 genera (6 being endemic, 11 being non-endemic and 2 naturalised exotics) and 57 species (43 being endemic, 11 being non-endemic and 3 are naturalised exotics).

Description: This family are a group of perennial flowering plants that consist of climbers, shrubs, tree-like and stemless plants.

For more details regarding the description of species within this family please see:

Pollen Morphology: The pollen produced by the species in this family have a football-like shape with slightly rounded ends in equatorial view and rounded with an indent in polar view. The size of this pollen is variable depending on the taxon, but can be between 20-50um long (equatorial axis) and 10-20um wide (polar axis). On the length of the pollen grain there is a single long slit (monocolpate/monosulcate). The surface of most of these pollen has a mesh-like surface texture (reticulate), however, some can occasionally be spikey (echinate).
Resource original
Concept original
contributor NEII_Programme original
creator NEII_Programme original
in scheme TEST-AusPollen-Aerobiology-Collaboration-Network-Species-Classification original