
dcterms created equal to or less than 2022-06-16T01:42:20.115Zequal to or more than 2022-06-16T01:42:20.115Z
dcterms modified equal to or less than 2022-06-16T02:12:12.429Zequal to or more than 2022-06-16T02:12:12.429Z
notation Amar
broader original
Amaranthaceae_2 original
definition Distribution: Species within the Amaranthaceae family are distributed world-wide in tropical and warm temperate regions. This family currently consists of c. 70 genera and c. 1000 species. In Australia specifically there are 18 genera with c. 200 species; c. 160 of these are endemic, 10 native and 27 introduced.

Description: Species within this family are ephemeral, annual, biennial or perennial herbs, shrubs and rarely climbing shrubs.

For more details regarding the description of species within this family please see:

Pollen Morphology: The pollen produced by the species in this family are spherical and between 15-25um in diameter. There are many pores (>15, panto-porate) that are small (1.5-2.5um) and are scattered all over the pollen grain. The surface texture of the pollen varies between species, with some being slightly granular (scabrate) and others have a smooth or very fine mesh surface texture.

Note Chenopodiaceae was formerly considered a separate family. Taxa of that classification has been encompassed with Amaranthaceae.
Resource original
Concept original
contributor NEII_Programme original
creator NEII_Programme original
in scheme TEST-AusPollen-Aerobiology-Collaboration-Network-Species-Classification original