Sea-Bird SBE 39 temperature recorder

dcterms created equal to or less than 2014-02-06T00:00:00.000Zequal to or more than 2014-02-06T00:00:00.000Z
dcterms modified equal to or less than 2018-03-14T22:36:48.000Zequal to or more than 2018-03-14T22:36:48.000Z
dc publisher British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC)
dc source (L221) SeaVoX Device Catalogue
broader original
TOOL0266 original
definition A high-accuracy temperature recorder (pressure optional) with internal battery and non-volatile memory for deployment at depths up to 10500 meters. It is intended for moorings or other long-term, fixed-site applications, as well as shorter-term deployments on nets, towed vehicles or ROVs. Calibration coefficients stored in EEPROM allow the SBE 39 to transmit data in engineering units. The SBE 39 thermistor has a long history of exceptional accuracy and stability (typical drift is less than 0.002C per year). The SBE 39 communicates directly with a computer via a standard RA-232 interface. For more information see
scope note manufacturer:Sea-Bird Electronics Inc.
Resource original
Concept original
contributor eMII_Atkins.Natalia_Admin original
in scheme 1 original