definition | Has an unspecified relationship with the related registry object | |
broader | Service Relation Type original |
narrower |
definition | The related collection is derived from the collection, e.g. through analysis | |
broader | Collection Relation Type original |
definition | Specialisation of isSupportBy type - for Harvest, Search and Syndicate | |
broader | Collection Relation Type original |
definition | Is contained within the related collection | |
broader | Collection Relation Type original |
definition | Collection is derived from the related collection, e.g. through analysis | |
broader | Collection Relation Type original |
definition | Additional value provided to a collection by a party | |
broader | Collection Relation Type original |
definition | the cited entity presents statements, ideas or conclusions that are reviewed by the citing entity | |
broader | Collection Relation Type original |
definition | Contains the related collection | |
broader | Collection Relation Type original |
definition | Has an undefined relationship with the related collection | |
broader | Collection Relation Type original |
definition | Has been collected, generated, created or aggregated by the related party | |
broader | Collection Relation Type original |
definition | Is catalogued or indexed by the related collection | |
broader | Collection Relation Type original |
definition | indicates that A is a supplement to B | |
broader | Collection Relation Type original |
definition | Is a product of the related activity | |
broader | Collection Relation Type original |
definition | Is a catalogue for, or index of, of items in the related collection | |
broader | Collection Relation Type original |
definition | Legally belongs to the related party | |
broader | Collection Relation Type original |
definition | Specialisation of isSupportBy type - for Report | |
broader | Collection Relation Type original |
definition | Specialisation of isSupportBy type - for Transform | |
broader | Collection Relation Type original |
definition | Is researched by the related party | |
broader | Collection Relation Type original |
definition | Is maintained and made accessible by the related party | |
broader | Collection Relation Type original |
definition | Is held in the related repository | |
broader | Collection Relation Type original |
definition | indicates B is documentation about/explaining A | |
broader | Collection Relation Type original |
definition | Specialisation of isSupportBy type - for Create, Generate and Assemble | |
broader | Collection Relation Type original |
definition | Specialisation of supports type - for Annotate | |
broader | Collection Relation Type original |
definition | indicates that B is a supplement to A | |
broader | Collection Relation Type original |
definition | indicates A is used as a source of information by B | |
broader | Collection Relation Type original |
definition | Can be contributed to, accessed or used through the related service | |
broader | Collection Relation Type original |
definition | indicates that B includes A in a citation | |
broader | Collection Relation Type original |
definition | the cited entity receives intellectual or factual support from the citing entity | |
broader | Collection Relation Type original |
definition | Is the repository where the related collection is held | |
broader | Collection Relation Type original |
narrower |
definition | W3C Date Time Format | |
broader | Date Format original |
narrower |
definition | No licence | |
broader | Licence Type original |
definition | Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDervis | |
broader | Licence Type original |
definition | Attribution | |
broader | Licence Type original |
definition | Attribution-SharedAlike | |
broader | Licence Type original |
definition | Attribution-NoDervis | |
broader | Licence Type original |
definition | Unknown license or record provider defined license | |
broader | Licence Type original |
definition | General Public License | |
broader | Licence Type original |
definition | Attribution-NonCommercial-SharedAlike | |
broader | Licence Type original |
definition | Attribution-NonCommercial | |
broader | Licence Type original |
definition | AusGoal Restrictive License | |
broader | Licence Type original |
narrower |
definition | Something given to recognize excellence in a certain field | |
broader | Activity Type original |
definition | Piece of work that is undertaken or attempted, with a start and end date and defined objectives | |
broader | Activity Type original |
definition | A funding grant awarded to partially or fully fund a research project, research facility, research program, equipment grant, fellowship, traineeship etc | |
broader | Activity Type original |
definition | Education imparted in a series of lessons or meetings | |
broader | Activity Type original |
definition | System of activities intended to meet a public need | |
broader | Activity Type original |
definition | Something that happens at a particular place or time as an organized activity with participants or an audience | |
broader | Activity Type original |
narrower |
definition | (activities of type 'grant' only) The list of persons participating as a Chief Investigator, Partner Investigator or Fellow. This description type should only be used if the nature of the grant data supplied to ANDS prevents the creation of linked related party records for these researchers. | |
broader | Description Type original |
definition | A brief informational message, not object metadata, to notify the record consumer of some important aspect regarding the object or its metadata | |
broader | Description Type original |
definition | (activities of type 'grant' only) The funding scheme under which the research funding was awarded. | |
broader | Description Type original |
definition | (activities of type 'grant' only) The total amount of funding in Australian dollars approved by the funder for this particular research grant. It can also be used for activity records of type 'project' or 'program' supplied by a research institution or agency, where it would contain the total project budget if this information is available. | |
broader | Description Type original |
definition | Short account for selection purposes | |
broader | Description Type original |
definition | Symbol used as an identifying mark | |
broader | Description Type original |
definition | Full account | |
broader | Description Type original |
definition | (collections only) A statement describing the significance of a collection within its domain or context | |
broader | Description Type original |
definition | ||
broader | Description Type original |
definition | Text describing the collection lineage | |
broader | Description Type original |
definition | (services only) Information about how the service is delivered. Should be one of: webservice, software, offline, workflow | |
broader | Description Type original |
definition | Text describing and highlighting the research data (and related parties, projects and services) whose description the organisation has contributed to Research Data Australia. | |
broader | Description Type original |
definition | Text describing a contributor organisation's distinctive research portfolio and research strengths. | |
broader | Description Type original |
narrower |
definition | One or more items that collectively represent a software product; including computer instructions (ranging in format from machine code to high-level programming languages); and associated non-executable items such as documentation. | |
broader | Collection Type original |
definition | Collection of physical or digital objects generated by research activities | |
broader | Collection Type original |
definition | Scholarly material consisting mainly of written text eg journal publications, book chapters. | |
broader | Collection Type original |
definition | A list or arrangement of terms used in a particular context (eg. ontologies, thesauri). | |
broader | Collection Type original |
definition | Collection of registry objects compiled to support the business of a given community | |
broader | Collection Type original |
definition | Collection of resource descriptions describing the content of one or more repositories or collective works | |
broader | Collection Type original |
definition | Compiled content created as separate and independent works and assembled into a collective whole for distribution and use | |
broader | Collection Type original |
definition | Collection of physical or digital objects compiled for information and documentation purposes and/or for storage and safekeeping | |
broader | Collection Type original |
narrower |
definition | Date of formal issuance (e.g.publication) of the resource. | |
broader | Dates Type original |
definition | Date of creation of the resource. | |
broader | Dates Type original |
definition | Date (often a range) of validity of a resource. | |
broader | Dates Type original |
definition | Date of acceptance of the resource. | |
broader | Dates Type original |
definition | Date (often a range) that the resource became or will become available. | |
broader | Dates Type original |
definition | Date of submission of the resource. | |
broader | Dates Type original |
narrower |
definition | A single address part that contains the whole address in unstructured form | |
broader | Physical Address Part Type original |
definition | An address part that is a separate line of a structured address | |
broader | Physical Address Part Type original |
definition | An an address part that contains a fax (facsimile) number | |
broader | Physical Address Part Type original |
definition | An address part that contains a telephone number including a mobile telephone number | |
broader | Physical Address Part Type original |
narrower |
definition | Start date for a temporal coverage period | |
broader | Temporal Coverage Date Type original |
definition | End date for a temporal coverage period | |
broader | Temporal Coverage Date Type original |
narrower |
definition | Is organised and/or delivered by the related party | |
broader | Activity Relation Type original |
definition | Legally belongs to the related party | |
broader | Activity Relation Type original |
definition | Is undertaken by the related party | |
broader | Activity Relation Type original |
definition | Contains the related activity | |
broader | Activity Relation Type original |
definition | Has an unspecified relationship with the related activity | |
broader | Activity Relation Type original |
definition | Is researched by the related party | |
broader | Activity Relation Type original |
definition | Delivers materials in the related collection | |
broader | Activity Relation Type original |
definition | Receives monetary or in-kind aid from the related program | |
broader | Activity Relation Type original |
definition | Is contained in the related activity | |
broader | Activity Relation Type original |
narrower |
definition | Shortened form of, or acronym for, the official name | |
broader | Name Type original |
definition | Official name of the registry object | |
broader | Name Type original |
definition | Any other form of name used now or in the past as a substitute or alternative for the official name | |
broader | Name Type original |
narrower |
definition | String used to receive messages by means of a computer network | |
broader | Electronic Address Type original |
definition | Uniform Resource Locator | |
broader | Electronic Address Type original |
definition | Other electronic address | |
broader | Electronic Address Type original |
narrower |
definition | Australian Business Number | |
broader | Identifier Type original |
definition | HANDLE System Identifier | |
broader | Identifier Type original |
definition | Linking ISSN (ISSN-L) | |
broader | Identifier Type original |
definition | Global Research Identifier Database | |
broader | Identifier Type original |
definition | International Article Number | |
broader | Identifier Type original |
definition | Uniform Resource Name | |
broader | Identifier Type original |
definition | Uniform Resource Identifier | |
broader | Identifier Type original |
definition | International Geo Sample Number | |
broader | Identifier Type original |
definition | Persistent Uniform Resource Locator | |
broader | Identifier Type original |
definition | Digital Object Identifier | |
broader | Identifier Type original |
definition | Universal Product Code | |
broader | Identifier Type original |
definition | Thomson Reuters ResearcherID | |
broader | Identifier Type original |
definition | International Standard Name Identifier | |
broader | Identifier Type original |
definition | National Health and Medical Research Council identifier | |
broader | Identifier Type original |
definition | International Standard Identifier for Libraries | |
broader | Identifier Type original |
definition | Research Activity Identifier | |
broader | Identifier Type original |
definition | National Library of Australia identifier | |
broader | Identifier Type original |
definition | 'info' URI scheme | |
broader | Identifier Type original |
definition | Funder unique identifier assigned by CrossRef and maintained in the global FundRef registry. | |
broader | Identifier Type original |
definition | A unique author identifier provided by the Scopus publications database | |
broader | Identifier Type original |
definition | PubMed ID | |
broader | Identifier Type original |
definition | Electronic International Standard Serial Number | |
broader | Identifier Type original |
definition | International Standard Book Number | |
broader | Identifier Type original |
definition | International Standard Text Code. | |
broader | Identifier Type original |
definition | ORCID Identifier | |
broader | Identifier Type original |
definition | Australian Research Council identifier | |
broader | Identifier Type original |
definition | International Standard Serial Number | |
broader | Identifier Type original |
definition | ARK Persistent Identifier Scheme | |
broader | Identifier Type original |
definition | The Media Type (MIME type) of the information. Values should be taken from IANA Media Type assignment listing. You may choose to use application/x-{name} if it is well known within the relevant discipline. | |
broader | Identifier Type original |
definition | Identifer unique within a local context | |
broader | Identifier Type original |
narrower |
definition | Oversees the related party or administers the related collection | |
broader | Party Relation Type original |
definition | Has an unspecified relationship with the related registry object- for Transform | |
broader | Party Relation Type original |
definition | Is a research in the related activity/collection | |
broader | Party Relation Type original |
definition | Legally possesses the related activity, collection, service or group | |
broader | Party Relation Type original |
definition | Provides monetary or in-kind aid to the related party or activity | |
broader | Party Relation Type original |
definition | Legally belongs to the related party | |
broader | Party Relation Type original |
definition | (group only) Is contained in the related group | |
broader | Party Relation Type original |
definition | Has collected, generated, created or aggregated the related collection | |
broader | Party Relation Type original |
definition | Provides additional value to a collection | |
broader | Party Relation Type original |
definition | Is overseen by the related party | |
broader | Party Relation Type original |
definition | (group only) Has enrolled the related party in the group | |
broader | Party Relation Type original |
definition | Is enrolled in the related activity | |
broader | Party Relation Type original |
definition | (group only) Contains the related group | |
broader | Party Relation Type original |
definition | Is enrolled in the related group | |
broader | Party Relation Type original |
definition | Receives monetary or in-kind aid from the related party or program | |
broader | Party Relation Type original |
narrower |
definition | The source holds the authoritative version of the metadata about the registry object | |
broader | Originating Source Type original |
narrower |
definition | Data quality statements or summaries of data quality issues affecting the data. | |
broader | Related Information Type original |
definition | An undertaking or process related to the creation, update, or maintenance of a collection. | |
broader | Related Information Type original |
definition | An alternative metadata format for the Object. This is most likely to be a discipline or system-specific format. E.g. NetCDF or ANZLIC. | |
broader | Related Information Type original |
definition | An aggregation of physical and/or digital resources which has meaning in a research context. | |
broader | Related Information Type original |
definition | Information that supports reuse of data, such as data definitions, instrument calibration or settings, units of measurement, sample descriptions, experimental parameters, methodology, data analysis techniques, or data derivation rules. | |
broader | Related Information Type original |
definition | Information about how the data being described was derived or produced; including events (creation, assemble, annotate, and transform etc.), when and where an event happened, which instruments or software were used and who was involved. | |
broader | Related Information Type original |
definition | A system (analogue or digital) that provides one or more functions of value to an end user. | |
broader | Related Information Type original |
definition | Any formally published document, whether available in digital or online form or not. | |
broader | Related Information Type original |
definition | Any publicly accessible web location containing information related to the collection, activity, party or service. | |
broader | Related Information Type original |
definition | A person, group or role related to the creation, update, or maintenance of a collection, to an activity, or to the provision of a service. | |
broader | Related Information Type original |
narrower |
definition | Data is publicly accessible subject to certain conditions. For example: a fee applies, or the data is only accessible at a specific physical location | |
broader | Access Rights Type original |
definition | Data access is limited. For example: following an embargo period; to a particular group of users; or where formal permission is granted | |
broader | Access Rights Type original |
definition | Data is publicly accessible online | |
broader | Access Rights Type original |
narrower |
definition | American Psychological Association | |
broader | Citation Style original |
definition | Australian Guide to Legal Citation | |
broader | Citation Style original |
definition | Australian Style Manual | |
broader | Citation Style original |
broader | Citation Style original |
definition | American Medical Association | |
broader | Citation Style original |
definition | International Data Citation | |
broader | Citation Style original |
definition | Modern Language Association of America | |
broader | Citation Style original |
definition | Chicago Manual of Style | |
broader | Citation Style original |
definition | Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers | |
broader | Citation Style original |
definition | Council of Science Editors | |
broader | Citation Style original |
definition | American Chemical Society | |
broader | Citation Style original |
broader | Citation Style original |
narrower |
definition | Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions - Part 2: Country subdivision codes | |
broader | Spatial Type original |
definition | Spatial location information specified in DCMI Point notation | |
broader | Spatial Type original |
definition | ISO 3166-1 Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions - Part 1: Country codes | |
broader | Spatial Type original |
definition | ISO 3166-3 Codes for country names which have been deleted from ISO 3166-1 since its first publication in 1974. | |
broader | Spatial Type original |
definition | A set of KML long/lat co-ordinates derived from GML (OpenGIS Geography Markup Language) defining a polygon as described by the KML coordinates element but without the altitude component | |
broader | Spatial Type original |
definition | A set of KML (Keyhole Markup Language) long/lat co-ordinates defining a polygon as described by the KML coordinates element | |
broader | Spatial Type original |
definition | DCMI Box notation derived from bounding box metadata conformant with the iso19139 schema | |
broader | Spatial Type original |
definition | Free-text representation of spatial location | |
broader | Spatial Type original |
definition | The GPS Exchange Format | |
broader | Spatial Type original |
narrower |
definition | Address where an entity is physically located | |
broader | Physical Address Type original |
definition | Address where mail for an entity should be sent | |
broader | Physical Address Type original |
narrower |
definition | Human being or identity assumed by one or more human beings | |
broader | Party Type original |
definition | One or more persons acting as a family, group, association, partnership or corporation | |
broader | Party Type original |