P horizons


identifier http://anzsoil.org/def/au/asls/soil-profile/horizons-P
notation P
dcterms description These are horizons dominated by organic materials in various stages of decomposition that have accumulated either under water or in conditions of excessive wetness. They have long been known as peat. The organic material consists of the remains of plants that have been growing in place.
definition These are horizons dominated by organic materials in various stages of decomposition that have accumulated either under water or in conditions of excessive wetness. They have long been known as peat. The organic material consists of the remains of plants that have been growing in place.
http://anzsoil.org/def/au/asls/soil-profile/horizon-P1 original
horizons-P original
http://anzsoil.org/def/au/asls/soil-profile/horizon-P2 original
horizons-P original
note When such horizons are buried, they may be designated in a manner similar to designations for buried mineral soils, for example 2P1, 3P2, etc.
http://anzsoil.org/def/au/asls/soil-profile/Horizon-code original
horizons-P original
http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Resource original
http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept original