Marine geophysics

dcterms created equal to or less than 2025-01-08T03:03:33.608Zequal to or more than 2025-01-08T03:03:33.608Z
dcterms modified equal to or less than 2025-01-08T03:04:21.946Zequal to or more than 2025-01-08T03:04:21.946Z
dc publisher eMarine Information Infrastructure (eMII)
dc source Australian Ocean Data Network parameter category register
broader original
42 original
definition Scientific field of study pertaining to the physics of the oceanic crust and ocean-inundated continental crust. Variables include marine morphological features, geophysical processes of the marine environment, and geophysical measurements of the marine environment.
exact match
bb04ee83-bf49-4f96-898d-20bb6e92bc93 original
Resource original
Concept original
contributor eMII_Atkins.Natalia_Admin original
creator eMII_Atkins.Natalia_Admin original
in scheme 1 original