neuston net

dcterms created equal to or less than 2014-05-22T00:00:00.000Zequal to or more than 2014-05-22T00:00:00.000Z
dcterms modified equal to or less than 2018-03-14T22:37:01.000Zequal to or more than 2018-03-14T22:37:01.000Z
dc publisher British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC)
dc source (L051) SeaDataNet device categories
definition A fine-meshed net designed to collect samples living within a few centimetres of the sea surface. Samples microzooplankton mesozooplankton and nekton.
Resource original
Concept original
contributor eMII_Atkins.Natalia_Admin original
in scheme original
has top concept
69 original
top concept of 1 original