{ "format" : "linked-data-api", "version" : "0.2", "result" : {"_about" : "https://vocabs.ardc.edu.au/repository/api/lda/aas/the-unified-astronomy-thesaurus/5-1-0/resource.text?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fastrothesaurus.org%2Fuat%2F1653", "definition" : "https://vocabs.ardc.edu.au/repository/api/lda/aas/the-unified-astronomy-thesaurus/5-1-0/resource.text?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fastrothesaurus.org%2Fuat%2F1653", "extendedMetadataVersion" : "https://vocabs.ardc.edu.au/repository/api/lda/aas/the-unified-astronomy-thesaurus/5-1-0/resource.text?_metadata=all&uri=http%3A%2F%2Fastrothesaurus.org%2Fuat%2F1653", "primaryTopic" : {"_about" : "http://astrothesaurus.org/uat/1653", "altLabel" : [{"_value" : "Sun spots", "_lang" : "en"} ], "broader" : [{"_about" : "http://astrothesaurus.org/uat/1476", "narrower" : ["http://astrothesaurus.org/uat/1653"]} , {"_about" : "http://astrothesaurus.org/uat/1974", "narrower" : ["http://astrothesaurus.org/uat/1653"]} ], "contributor" : "http://editor.vocabs.ands.org.au/user/AAS_Frey.Katie_Admin", "dctermsModified" : "Wed, 16 Dec 2020 20:39:45 GMT+0000", "definition" : "An area seen as a dark patch on the Sun's surface. Sunspots appear dark because they are cooler (of about 4000 °C) than the surrounding photosphere (about 6000 °C). They range in size from a few hundred kilometers to several times the Earth's diameter and last from a few hours to a few months. Very small sunspots are called pores. The number of sunspots varies from maximum to minimum in about 11 years, the sunspot cycle. Their appearance during a cycle follows the Sporer law. A typical spot has a central umbra surrounded by a penumbra, although either features can exist without the other. Sunspots are associated with strong magnetic fields of 0.2 to 0.4 tesla. A given sunspot has a single magnetic polarity. The opposite polarity may be found in other sunspots or in the bright and diffuse facular region adjacent to the sunspot. The first recorded naked-eye sightings of sunspots were by Chinese astronomers in the first century B.C. Johannes Fabricius (1587-1617) was the first to argue that sunspots are areas on the solar surface.", "narrower" : [{"_about" : "http://astrothesaurus.org/uat/1015", "broader" : ["http://astrothesaurus.org/uat/1653"]} , {"_about" : "http://astrothesaurus.org/uat/1651", "broader" : ["http://astrothesaurus.org/uat/1653"]} , {"_about" : "http://astrothesaurus.org/uat/1652", "broader" : ["http://astrothesaurus.org/uat/1653"]} , {"_about" : "http://astrothesaurus.org/uat/1803", "broader" : ["http://astrothesaurus.org/uat/1653"]} , {"_about" : "http://astrothesaurus.org/uat/1978", "broader" : ["http://astrothesaurus.org/uat/1653"]} , {"_about" : "http://astrothesaurus.org/uat/1979", "broader" : ["http://astrothesaurus.org/uat/1653"]} , {"_about" : "http://astrothesaurus.org/uat/463", "broader" : ["http://astrothesaurus.org/uat/1653"]} ], "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "Sunspots", "_lang" : "en"} , "related" : [{"_about" : "http://astrothesaurus.org/uat/1572", "related" : ["http://astrothesaurus.org/uat/1653"]} , {"_about" : "http://astrothesaurus.org/uat/1650", "related" : ["http://astrothesaurus.org/uat/1653"]} ], "type" : ["http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Resource", "http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept"]} , "type" : ["http://purl.org/linked-data/api/vocab#ItemEndpoint", "http://purl.org/linked-data/api/vocab#Page"]} }