Solar photosphere

dcterms modified equal to or less than 2020-11-19T15:56:04.049Zequal to or more than 2020-11-19T15:56:04.049Z
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1518 original
definition The visible surface of the Sun (temperature 5700 K), just below the chromosphere and just above the convective zone. The solar photosphere is a thin layer of roughly 300 km wide. Its temperature decreases uniformly with height, from about 6,600 K (pressure 0.868 millibars) at its bottom, to about 4,400 K (pressure 125 mb), where it merges with the chromosphere. The photosphere has a 'rice-grain' appearance, called granulation, caused by rising (hot) and falling (cool) material in the convective cells just below the photosphere. Other main features of the photosphere are sunspots, faculae, and supergranulation.
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contributor AAS_Frey.Katie original