Height of landform element


label Height of landform element
alt label
Depth of landform element
identifier http://anzsoil.org/def/au/asls/landform/element-dimension-height
dcterms description difference in elevation between the upper and lower margins of the element, measured along any slope line. Height can mean quite different things and must be carefully defined. For crests, ridges and hillocks, define the upper margin as the point where the selected slope line coalesces with others to form the ridge line. For depressions, define the lower margin as the point where the selected slope line coalesces with others to form the course line.
definition difference in elevation between the upper and lower margins of the element, measured along any slope line. Height can mean quite different things and must be carefully defined. For crests, ridges and hillocks, define the upper margin as the point where the selected slope line coalesces with others to form the ridge line. For depressions, define the lower margin as the point where the selected slope line coalesces with others to form the course line.
sub class of
Class original
Class original
union of
Collection original
sub class of
Class original
Class original
union of
Collection original
http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Resource original
http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept original
http://www.w3.org/ns/sosa/ObservableProperty original
in scheme Landform classifiers original
is member of
Dimensions of landform element original
element-dimension-height original
related collection element-dimensions original
relation element-dimensions original