definition | < 0.1 m | |
notation | A |
notation | mg | |||||||||
narrower |
definition | Mineral horizon at or near the soil surface with some accumulation of humified organic matter. Usually darker than underlying horizon/s. |
definition | Mineral horizon below the A1 horizon having, either alone or in combination, less organic matter, sesquioxides, or silicate clay than immediately adjacent horizons. Usually paler than adjacent horizons. |
definition | 80% or more of the horizon is bleached. Bleached horizons are defined in terms of Munsell Soil Color notation for dry soil. For all hues, value 7 or greater and chroma 4 or less or where adjacent horizons have hues 5YR or redder, value 6 or greater with chroma 4 or less. | |
notation | mk |
definition | A horizon/s where ploughing or other disturbance by humans has occurred. Refer to the Field Handbook for further information. |
definition | The dominant colour (moist) has a hue of 5YR or redder and a chroma of 3 or more. | |
notation | AA |
definition | The dominant colour (moist) has a hue yellower than 5YR and a value of 5 or less and a chroma of 3 or more. | |
notation | AB |
definition | The dominant colour (moist) has a hue yellower than 5YR and a value of 6 or more and a chroma of 4 or more. | |
notation | AC |
definition | The dominant colour (moist) for all hues has a value of 4 or more and chroma 2 or less; for hues yellower than 5YR values of 6 or more and chromas of 3 are allowed. | |
notation | AD |