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Thin original
definition < 0.1 m
notation A
A horizons original
notation mg
A1 horizon original
A2 horizon original
Conspicuously bleached A2 horizon original
Ap horizon original
A1 horizon original
definition Mineral horizon at or near the soil surface with some accumulation of humified organic matter. Usually darker than underlying horizon/s.
A2 horizon original
definition Mineral horizon below the A1 horizon having, either alone or in combination, less organic matter, sesquioxides, or silicate clay than immediately adjacent horizons. Usually paler than adjacent horizons.
Conspicuously bleached A2 horizon original
definition 80% or more of the horizon is bleached. Bleached horizons are defined in terms of Munsell Soil Color notation for dry soil. For all hues, value 7 or greater and chroma 4 or less or where adjacent horizons have hues 5YR or redder, value 6 or greater with chroma 4 or less.
notation mk
Ap horizon original
definition A horizon/s where ploughing or other disturbance by humans has occurred.

Refer to the Field Handbook for further information.
Red original
definition The dominant colour (moist) has a hue of 5YR or redder and a chroma of 3 or more.
notation AA
Brown original
definition The dominant colour (moist) has a hue yellower than 5YR and a value of 5 or less and a chroma of 3 or more.
notation AB
Yellow original
definition The dominant colour (moist) has a hue yellower than 5YR and a value of 6 or more and a chroma of 4 or more.
notation AC
Grey original
definition The dominant colour (moist) for all hues has a value of 4 or more and chroma 2 or less; for hues yellower than 5YR values of 6 or more and chromas of 3 are allowed.
notation AD