Semi-structured data

definition Data that have not been organised into a specialised repository, such as a database, but that nevertheless have associated information, such as metadata, that makes them more amenable to processing than raw data. Semi-structured data lie somewhere between structured and unstructured data. They are not organised in a complex manner that makes sophisticated access and analysis possible. However, they may have information associated with them, such as metadata tagging that allows elements contained to be addressed.
editorial note Expert review decision, 2021-22: No review this cycle
example Example: A Word document is generally considered to be unstructured data. However, metadata tags could be added in the form of keywords and other metadata that represent the document content and make it easier for that document to be found when people search for those terms — the data are now semi-structured. Nevertheless, the document still lacks the complex organisation of a database, so falls short of being fully structured data
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