definition |
A submersible pressure transducer. Its applications are for long-term deployments
such as water-level measurements in canals, wells, ponds, harbours, lakes, streams
and tanks. It has a titanium case and outputs either a digital SDI-12 or RS-232 signal
to indicate observed pressure and temperature. The CS456 replaces the CS455 transducer.
It has a smaller gap between the water ports and the diaphragm so that less air is
trapped that the user must remove during deployment. It is available in 6 pressure
depth range options (0-2.9, 0-7.25, 0-14.5, 0-29, 0-72.5, 0-145 psig) and two accuracy
options. The standard accuracy option provides +/-0.1% full-scale range TEB over the
0 - 60 degrees C temperature range. The high accuracy option provides +/-0.05% full
scale range TEB over the 0 - 60 degrees C temperature range.